Sleep apnea is a pain.

Treatment shouldn’t be.

StimAire is the first truly patient-centric (and doctor-friendly) obstructive sleep apnea solution that doesn’t include CPAP, mouthpieces or surgery.

The StimAire system is an investigational device not currently approved for clinical use in any geography.

Safe, proven methodology

Neurostimulation of the hypoglossal nerve

Non-surgical injectable

Administered through a needle

Comfortable & Convenient

Small, wireless wearable activates the injectable

Competitively Priced

More cost-effective than alternative surgical treatments

How it works

A better way to treat obstructive sleep apnea.

StimAire is a rice-grain-sized device that will be implanted via a simple injection under local anesthesia.

Get an injection

The StimAire injectable—about the size of a grain of rice—is injected via a needle near the patient’s hypoglossal nerve. The one-time procedure can be done in a doctor’s office under local anesthesia.

No Surgery

Stimaire device

Put on a Wearable

The device is ready to go the very same night. The patient simply places a small, wireless, peel-and-stick wearable on the neck at bedtime.

Comfortable & Convenient

Sleep peacefully

The wearable and injectable work together to stimulate the hypoglossal nerve—preventing obstruction during sleep.

Safe & Effective

Early Wins • Exciting Traction

StimAire is committed to expanding treatment access for patients.

StimAire is rapidly heading toward launch—with FDA Breakthrough Device Designation. This designation is a formal identification by the U.S. FDA that a medical device in development should be expedited for patient access because it has a reasonable chance of providing more effective treatment than the standard of care for life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating diseases or conditions.

StimAire secured funding from institutional investor, UAVC.

Our patented injectable platform technology can be applied to other treatments.

StimAire has a clear path to regulatory approval.

Stimaire technology

About us

Committed to minimizing the burden of obstructive sleep apnea